Saturday, July 18, 2020

A Life Without her.

A small write up..and its complete fiction too..

Aren't you going to be my realistic companion? She questioned. Her facial expression demanded a quick answer. Even before I could answer, she again repeated the question. I was dumbstruck at her caliber of voice. I was continuously telling myself that I can't lose words now; they were there in my mind. It took me a reckless night to frame all that I was to confine. I had the feeling that her curiosity won't suffice unless and until she has her answer. All I could utter was," No". This was the moment I never wished to go through. It felt as if fighting a lion or jumping from a building would have been much easier. I wanted to explain to her why being a realistic companion was not a possible promise for me. That dumbo always had the best part of her care for me, yet I was the reason behind those rolling tears, down her glittering face. Only I knew how heavy my heart became with the guilt of those tiny droplets. I spent the best of my words to describe her beauty while her smile always reminded me that I had a reason to re-establish myself. Gathering the last bit of courage I tightly hugged her. The warmth in there was the touch of heaven. I wanted to tell her that if love could exist in materialistic form, it would be her. The crescent moon had no light for the eclipsed darkness of fear. I would choose a life to lose but not her.

Her sobbing felt as if a dagger is being repeatedly stabbed at my heart. I brought my face towards her and told her how strong she is. The impact of my answer was beyond the healing abilities of any condolences.

Why don't you understand my helplessness? I said.  Having you in life was beyond the lines of fate. I don't think or imagine a life without you. Yet these circumstances, these are the major cause of such a parting way of our life. I have lost every single being I held close to my heart. They moved on and I got stuck here with a box full of memories. It's really hard to live in shattered memories of the loved ones. I can't risk losing you at the cost of my destiny. If the virtual world has enough to provide me with your love and care, better I choose to be there. Often heard of the saying, "It's better to have something than to have nothing ". Dear love, our story has this very conclusion. The pain of bringing a stranger to life with hopes and promises and then losing them is beyond my limits of suffering. Boys do cry and I am the living example of it. I have cried when your fever ceased your body, I have cried when you were hospitalized, I have cried for not being there by your side at times of your need and now again I don't want to cry over leaving you at the horizon. Let eternity be our only palace of dreams where we could find time in each other’s arm. With my finals words, I wiped off her rolling tears and kissed her forehead. I decided to walk back or else I won't be able to return back ever. I handed her a letter and told her. All this is my answer to all your questions hope you will understand it. I signaled for a taxi and waves off. The city through the taxi window seemed so live. I felt jealous of everything I could see as they had my precious strangers as a citizen. Days passed by along with weeks and I never left a single instant to remember her. Her absence had brought me to a world of complete solitude. All this while I always wondered how she felt about the justification in my letter.